Sense #1: Hearing ?

One way we like to include sound in an Experience-in-a-Box is with a sound tube. It allows you to play an 8 second audio clip that plays once the box is opened. You could play a welcome message, your school’s fight song or alma mater, or even just a cheerful or energetic song clip to set the tone!

Sense #2: Taste ?

Let’s face it, food is everyone’s love language. We have a huge selection of food items ranging from peanuts and popcorn, to drinks like coffee and hot chocolate. The limit does not exist! While it might be a consumable product, the impression will last beyond the last bite.

Sense #3: Smell ?

Smells are closely linked with memory because of their location in your brain’s anatomy. Create a memorable experience from smells using items like candles, essential oils, or room sprays!

Sense #4: Touch ?

The best way to incorporate touch into your Experience-in-a-Box is with different textures. Some examples include products made with velvet or cork, or even just a super soft t-shirt!

Sense #5: Sight ?

I might be a little biased because I’m a graphic designer, but the visuals and design on your project will make or break the first impression. Good design can take even a low budget project to the next level. And if you don’t have the resources to do this yourself, we have a talented in-house design team who can help you!

The post Engaging Your 5 Senses with Experience-in-a-Box appeared first on Blezoo.